Boost Your Productivity: Essential VS Code Extensions for Beginners

Are you new to coding or just getting started with Visual Studio Code (VS Code)? This guide will help you enhance your coding experience, especially if you’re working with HTML and CSS. Here’s a rundown of must-have settings and extensions that can make your coding journey smoother and more efficient.

Personalizing Your Editor

Change the Font: To improve readability and productivity, start by changing the default font. Access settings by clicking the gear icon at the bottom left or using Ctrl + , (Windows) or Cmd + , (Mac). In the settings search bar, type “font” to find the “Editor: Font Family” setting. Consider using fonts like Cascadia Code for a cleaner look.

Choose a Color Theme: Customize your workspace with a color theme. Go to the settings menu and select “Color Theme.” Here are three popular themes to try:

  • One Dark Pro: A sleek and modern theme inspired by the Atom editor.
  • Dracula: A visually pleasing dark theme that reduces eye strain.
  • Atom One Darker: A stylish, easy-on-the-eyes option.

Essential Extensions

Live Server: Launch a local development server that provides live reloading for both static and dynamic pages. It allows you to see changes in real-time without refreshing your browser.

Auto Rename Tag: Automatically updates paired HTML and XML tags. If you change an opening tag, the corresponding closing tag updates instantly, saving you time and effort.

Emmet: Integrated into VS Code, Emmet provides powerful shortcuts for writing HTML and CSS. You can create complex structures using simple abbreviations, like generating multiple list items or nested elements with ease.

HTML to CSS Autocompletion: As you write HTML, this extension helps by suggesting classes and IDs when you switch to your CSS file, streamlining your styling process.

Color Highlight: This extension displays color values in your code, making it easy to spot and compare colors. It helps maintain a consistent color scheme and catch mistakes quickly.

VS Code Icons: While primarily aesthetic, this extension enhances your workspace by assigning official icons to your files and folders, improving organization and visual appeal.

With these settings and extensions, you’ll be well-equipped to code efficiently in HTML and CSS. For more tips and insights, check out the full video on YouTube!